html`<p>This visualization is a *live updating* version of <a href="blog/2021-12-01-opendata-per-canton/opendata-per-canton.html">a static chart</a> I created quite a while ago. I am particularly proud of the live updating functionality. The data you are seeing below is from the very minute you've visited this site, i.e.: <span style="background-color: black; padding: 3px; font-family: mono; font-size:small; border-radius: 3px">${new Date(now).toString()}<span></p>`
How Open Are Our Cantons?
Live updating visualisation of data availablity on is an excellent website to get cantonal geodata. The harmonization aggregation process not only simplifies the acquisition of the data, it also shows which cantons are not as open with their data as they could be.
geodienste = await d3.json("")
//ignored the following datasets (since there is not data on these for most cantons)
//the folowing character string determins a break: %2C
// sort the cantons by the most amount of datasets of type "frei erhältlich", then by Registrierung erforderlich and so on
geodienste_canton_sort = {
let aggregated = Array()
let idx = -1 => {
idx +=1
const canton = i.canton
const publication_data = i.publication_data
const idx_canton = => x.canton).indexOf(canton)
let score
if (publication_data == "Frei erhältlich") {
score = 1000000
} else if(publication_data == "Registrierung erforderlich"){
score = 10000
} else if(publication_data == "Freigabe erforderlich"){
score = 100
} else{
score = 1
if(idx_canton == -1){
aggregated[idx] = {canton: canton, score: score}
} else{
aggregated[idx_canton]["score"] += score
return aggregated
// from this sorted array, only extract the order
kantone_order = geodienste_canton_sort.sort((a,b) => b.score - a.score).map(x => x.canton)
// group the array by canton
groupedArray =, item) => {
const group = groups.find(g => g.canton === item.canton);
if (!group) {
canton: item.canton,
items: [item],
} else {
return groups;
}, []);
// manually define the order of the datasets
publication_data_order = ["Frei erhältlich", "Registrierung erforderlich", "Freigabe erforderlich", "Im Aufbau", "keine Daten"]
// sort the array within each canton by the publication data order
sortedArray = => {
return (group.items.sort((a, b) => publication_data_order.indexOf(a.publication_data) - publication_data_order.indexOf(b.publication_data)))
dateTime = {
let current = new Date();
let cDate = current.getFullYear() + '-' + (current.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + current.getDate()
let cTime = current.getHours() + ":" + current.getMinutes() + ":" + current.getSeconds()
return(cDate + ' ' + cTime)
Please wait a couple of seconds till data data is loaded from the API
Availability of Cantonal Geodata on
caption: html`<div>Live data from restAPI, last update: ${dateTime}<br>Visualized by Nils Ratnaweera</div>`,
width: width,
height: width*0.7,
marginLeft: width*0.2,
marginRight: width*0.2,
y: {
domain: kantone_order,
label: "Kanton →",
x: {
label: "Anzahl Datensätze →"
color: {
range: ['#2b83ba','#abdda4','#ffffbf','#fdae61','#d7191c'],
legend: "swatches",
label: "Status",
domain: publication_data_order
style: {
backgroundColor: "#073b4c",
color: "#ADB5BD"
marks: [
Plot.barX(flattedArray, {
x: 1,
y: "canton",
fill: "publication_data",
stroke: "#073b4c",
strokeWidth: 2